Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What happened to the blank canvas!?

We know you're wondering what happened to the blank canvas and like we said in our last post...


...two four year old twins got to paint!

They kept peeking around our display walls to see what I had just started painting and their parents said all they want to do is paint... so I gave them each a brush.

It was fascinating to see their imaginations at work and to see how no two artists are the same. One kept layering more and more paint until there were layers of brown and the other drew different images, trying to connect them with the layers of brown.  

It was going to be an abstract painting, but I wanted to incorporate what they had done. This had become a collaborative painting.


It's about imagination and child's play.    

We can all be looking at the same thing, but see something very different, which is great thing.

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