Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Capture a Memory in Oil

 Would you or someone you know like an original painting in Amanda's style? 

She calls her style Realistic Abstract Expressionism... some are more realistic, some are more abstract, but every painting is expressive.

Contact Amanda with a brief message and picture -

that unforgettable view from a recent adventure...?
that trusty four legged friend...?

your crazy kids playing in the dirt...?
your hometown, or where you call home...?

or maybe you have another picture in mind...?

A painting you commission is a painting of your own memory!
Amanda wants to help you treasure and share that memory!

Each commissioned painting is oil paint on stretched canvas and is wired to hang.  

Oil paint is a slow drying medium and is affected by temperature, so allow 2 months for completion.  
Don't wait until the last minute ... Christmas is coming and commissions are in the works!  

Contact Amanda to make sure your painting can be completed in time for that special occasion!

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